
Showing posts from April, 2017

Trip to the East

Christine and the parental units made the trek out to Philadelphia back in March, and had a blast despite the chill! The day Greg was endowed was particularly chilly, and while we took the time for photos, the wind was not particularly cooperative. Those of us not dressed in heavier layers suffered through it like champs. Some fun photos none the less. After that we headed south to Greg's parents house, for what Christine expected to be just a dinner for the parents to get to know each other a bit, but boy was she in for a surprise! Turned out the sly mommas had coordinated together to set up a shower of sorts with most of the Williams clan. Christine was tremendously confused at first, but congratulations were in order for momma Kurt for keeping such a secret.  They even decorated a hat for Christine. Apparently one of the many bridal shower games out there involve taking the bows and ribbons from the presents and fashioning a hat that the


So far so good when it comes to making the dress and such. I've been having a good time learning a lot of things along the way, but time is of the essence! My corset has plodded along from this.... To this- It's missing the grommets and the bias tape that would complete it. My shoes came in the mail the other day- Smelling faintly of gasoline or some other chemical, but that seems to be par for the course when it comes to ordering from China. Funny enough, the ebay listing recommended ordering half a size to a size up, since Chinese sizing tends to run small, so I ordered a full size up, and they're actually too big! After some gel inserts and no slip ankle pads, they fit much better, and look tremendously cute with my spats. I'll wear better colors of socks on the wedding, of course. Next up in the way of accessories was my bouquet- or rather, my lantern. I love bouquets; there are so many pretty ideas out there. But when the idea of carryin