
So far so good when it comes to making the dress and such. I've been having a good time learning a lot of things along the way, but time is of the essence!

My corset has plodded along from this....

To this-

It's missing the grommets and the bias tape that would complete it.

My shoes came in the mail the other day-

Smelling faintly of gasoline or some other chemical, but that seems to be par for the course when it comes to ordering from China. Funny enough, the ebay listing recommended ordering half a size to a size up, since Chinese sizing tends to run small, so I ordered a full size up, and they're actually too big! After some gel inserts and no slip ankle pads, they fit much better, and look tremendously cute with my spats.

I'll wear better colors of socks on the wedding, of course.

Next up in the way of accessories was my bouquet- or rather, my lantern. I love bouquets; there are so many pretty ideas out there. But when the idea of carrying a lantern came up, it was too good to pass up.

I picked up a lantern from Walmart, some gears online, and some flowers from Joanns! A little hot glue and batteries got everyone in place and well lit. Very pleased.

The dress is in the process of being put together, so it's just a mess and honestly I'm never presentable when I'm working on it, so no photos just yet. But its coming together better than I'd hoped so you'll see a few photos soon!


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